How to mate your Siamese cat

The Siamese cat is in the top 10 of the most beautiful cat breeds. If you are lucky enough to have one of these cats that has a sacred past, you need to breed them. However, you still need to know and understand all the parameters necessary to properly undertake the mating of the Siamese. Indeed, in addition to the reproduction cycle, there are notable differences in this process depending on the cat breed. Zoom on the reproduction of the Siamese cat.

Identifying the age of puberty

Regardless of the breed of your cat, age is a primary factor in determining the appropriate time for mating. A cat, whether male or female, can only reproduce once the age of puberty has been reached. Rest assured, it happens much more quickly to our cat friends than to humans. Generally speaking, male cats reach sexual maturity 5 to 8 months after birth. They are on average earlier than females.

For the female, this sexual maturity begins between 4 and 12 months. In the Siamese, the heat phase, during which she is ready to mate, is longer than in other breeds. Your Siamese cat must therefore have an easier time procreating than another cat. The heat lasts up to 12 days for a Siamese compared to only 6 days for Persians. In any case, know that a healthy and balanced diet contributes to good dynamics during the heat phase. So, do not hesitate to choose the best cat food, preferably with components rich in protein. In this way, your Siamese will be well prepared for a smooth gestation.

The mating phase 

In these four-legged animals, the female chooses her partner. You can recognize the heat phase by its “calls” to males. They are defined by languorous meows. Once you detect these calls, consider introducing him to a male from a breeder or breed club. Indeed, know that to have Siamese kittens, you must breed your Siamese cat with a purebred male. Before mating, don’t forget to do a little investigation with the cat’s owner.

Once you have a male, confine the cats to a room that is familiar to your cat. When she is ready for mating, she will roll on the ground and get into a particular position. Its legs are lowered, its tail raised and its hind legs extended. The cat immobilizes her with its mouth by holding her by the skin behind the neck and mating begins. 

The gestation period

First of all, you should know that in cats, ovulation only occurs during coitus. In addition, ovulation does not occur systematically. It takes on average 3 successive matings before releasing the eggs. You must therefore leave Siamese cats in the same room for several hours. Once mating is successful, the gestation period lasts approximately 63 to 68 weeks, regardless of the cat’s breed. Kittens are not viable before 58 days. You must then be very careful during the first 3 weeks of gestation. Don’t tire her too much and let your pet rest peacefully. 

His diet must be of very good quality during this gestation because his appetite will be greater. Choose ranges of kibble with a single source of protein to avoid allergies. Likewise, turn to foods that ensure good digestion. You can also deworm your cat to protect her from parasites before giving birth. This way you can also protect its range.

Reproduction in senior Siamese

Like all other cat breeds, the Siamese has a very irregular cycle when it reaches a certain age. Indeed, although there is no menopause in cats, from the age of 7, the cat has disrupted cycles. Heat phases will last in the life of females from sexual maturity until their death. However, they are becoming more and more irregular. As soon as you observe heat, there is a possibility of mating and pregnancy. Gifts, if you have an elderly Siamese cat, don’t lose hope, because she can still give you little Siamese cats. However, its range no longer has the same capacity as before and it will be fewer in number. 

Likewise, senior cats are more prone to difficult births and with age, their physical abilities may deteriorate. You may notice that his chewing ability may decrease. Also, she may suffer from problems related to the urinary tract. This is why you are strongly advised to monitor her carefully during pregnancy if she is already 7 years old and over. There are specific oils that help them relieve their ailments. Therefore, you can ask your veterinarian or in certain cases, your kibble seller.

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